Tournament Preview (09/10/2022 – 09/16/2022)

Sep 9, 2022

Tournament Preview (09/10/2022 – 09/16/2022)
Upcoming Tournaments

  • The Iowa PGA Pro-Select / Pro-Senior Scratch will take place on September 12 at Fyre Lake Golf Club in Sherrard, Illinois. Click here for more information.
  • The Iowa PGA Junior Tour Fall Classic will take place on September 10-11 at Thunder Hills Country Club in Peosta, Iowa. Click here for more information.
  • The Iowa PGA Women’s Professional Championship will take place on September 16 at Des Moines Golf & Country Club in West Des Moines, Iowa. Click here for more information.

Future Deadlines

  • Tuesday, September 13 is the last day to register for the Junior vs Senior Team Championship at Lacoma Golf Club in East Dubuque, Illinois. Click here to register.
  • Wednesday, September 14 is the last day to register for the Iowa PGA Women’s Professional Championship at Des Moines Golf & Country Club in West Des Moines, Iowa. Click here to register.

Special Announcements

  • Riverside, Iowa – Brian Johnson, PGA and his team Iowa City/Cedar Rapid East League 13U will compete on September 9-11 at the Glen Erin Golf Course in Janesville, Wisconsin for the 2022 PGA Jr League Region 9 Championships states competing are Iowa, Wisconsin, Nebraska & Minnesota. Good luck Brian Johnson and team! The tournament consists of two days of competition where all 8 teams will first compete in a stroke play qualifying event on day one. Then on day two, the top four teams from the qualifying event will progress on to a Match play qualifier in the morning, while the lower four teams from the qualifying stroke event will play in an additional stroke play shootout. Then on day 2 afternoon, the winners from the Match Play qualifier will compete in a final Match play championship. Click here for more details.
  • Riverside, Iowa – Zach Steffen of Terrace Hills Golf Course wins the National Car Rental Iowa Assistant PGA Professional Championship on September 7, 2022, at Blue Top Ridge. The Champion of this event will qualify for the 46th National Car Rental Assistant PGA Professional Championship to be held on November 17-20, 2022 at the PGA Golf Club in Port St. Lucie, Florida. We will have three alternates. Click here for results.

Programs Offered by the Iowa PGA

  • Did you know the Iowa PGA offers these wonderful programs?
  1. Junior Golf Academy, Click here for more information.
  2. Swings With Kids, Click here for more information.
  3. Drive, Chip & Putt, Click here for more information.
  4. PGA Jr. League, Click here for more information.
  5. PGA.Coach, Click here for more information and to reach out to a PGA Professional for help on your golf game. (You also view the list of coaches in our Spring Magazine, click here for the Spring Issue).
  6. Junior Tour & Pee Wee Tour Schedules, click here.
  7. Charlie Burkart Scholarship, Click here for the more information.


  • Did you know about our Iowa PGA Digital Magazine? Click here to look back on some awesome Iowa PGA stories, Iowa PGA Results and Iowa PGA Junior and Pee Wee Tour results, ads from our Sponsors and many more other stories.

Follow the Iowa PGA
For more information and schedule updates, fans can follow the Iowa PGA on Facebook (, Twitter (@iowapga) and YouTube (  Fans can also get a behind the scenes look on Instagram (@iowapga).